decorative image of onlinelearning3 , PSC’s eLearning Department ensures smooth transition to online 2020-04-09 09:49:20

‘Zoom Crew’ rallies to expand Live Online instruction throughout the College

As soon as the coronavirus threatened to block Pensacola State College students and faculty from classrooms, administrators developed an emergency plan to move courses online. Fortunately they had a team of instructors already well-versed in the Live Online (synchronous online) realm, a team that could be deployed to teach other instructors and professors, a team that soon became known as the “Zoom Crew.”

decorative image of KatieHudon , Auto Draft 2020-02-13 14:26:47

Student Affairs admin’s ‘full circle’ brings her back to a welcoming PSC

Katie Hudon’s day-to-day functions include support of the Warrington staff, oversight of admissions and advising, as well as the functions of the L.I.F.E. Fitness Center, policy and process development, service on the Pirates CARE team, and authorization over recruitment, admissions, dual enrollment, registration, advising/counseling, student support services and career development.