
Welcome to the Applied Technology and Professional Services Department
The Department of Professional Service Careers provides training for Occupational Certificates, and Associate Degrees for career paths that frequently require specialized certifications or licensures for employment. This service-oriented and diverse department houses the Center for Culinary and Hospitality Management, Cosmetology/Barbering, and Massage Therapy.
Culinary Arts
The Center for Culinary and Hospitality Management has program offerings that prepare and equip graduates for a profitable and exciting career in the hospitality and food service industries. You may choose to pursue an A.A.S. degree in Culinary Management, an American Culinary Federation certified program, or perhaps a career in Hospitality Management appeals to you. This A.S. /A.A.S. coursework in hospitality and tourism, including lodging and restaurant management, may be your avenue to success in this multi-billion dollar industry. Please explore these options linked to the individual management programs or contact the Department of Professional Service Careers at Pensacola State College.
Friends of Culinary Arts
Interested in supporting PSC Culinary Arts? Join the Friends of Culinary Arts Affinity Group! This is a group of patrons who believe in the value and the importance of the field and of our PSC students. The Friends of Culinary Arts enable our students to obtain new equipment, to earn a quality education, to practice in functional facilities, and to have exceptional opportunities. Members not only support our students by giving financially but also by enjoying exclusive benefits and by being present at the lunch and dinner series. For more information, visit the PSC Foundation Website.
Engineering Technology
The focus of Engineering Technology is to prepare students for careers within industries concerned with Building Construction, Civil Engineering, Drafting and Design, Manufacturing, and Industrial Management as well as the Automotive industry. Engineering Technology consists of degree programs, vocational certificate programs and technical certificate programs.
Most programs are designed for both day and night students, full and part-time, and feature both traditional instruction as well as hands-on technical instruction in up-to-date modern labs. All programs incorporate state-of-the-art technology related to their prospective fields. Emphasis is placed on computer literacy, practical application and technical competence.