Pensacola State announces proposed fee increases for the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council’s Certified Production Technician (MSSC-CPT) Exams for students enrolled in the College’s Advanced Manufacturing-AS programs.
The one-time Online Candidate Post-Secondary and Industry Registration for the MSSC-CPT Exam is proposed to increase to $65. Students currently pay a $60 fee. On Jan. 12, the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council announced the Online Candidate Post-Secondary and Industry Registration fee will increase to $65 – effective July 1, 2023.
Fees for the MSSC-CPT Post-Secondary and Industry Assessments are proposed to increase to $50. Students currently pay a $45 fee. The Council also notified PSC that the MSSC-CPT Post-Secondary and Industry Assessments fees will increase to $50 – effective July 1, 2023.
The proposed new fees will only cover the actual costs charged to the College as described.
The College’s District Board of Trustees will vote on the fee increases at the Tuesday, April 18, meeting set for 5:30 p.m. on the Milton campus. If approved by the Board of Trustees, the new fees will take effect on July 1, 2023.
For more information about the fee changes, email Anita Kovacs, the College’s vice president of Business Affairs, at