Coronavirus Resources


All students and employees who become ill with COVID are asked to remain off campus during their illness.  The isolation period is calculated as follows:  The day that you first feel symptoms of illness with COVID is day zero.  The next day is day 1, and the day after that is day 2, and so on.  You must remain off campus through day 5, and you can return on day 6 if you no longer have symptoms of illness.  If you are still sick on day 6, continue to remain out until your symptoms have significantly improved.  The day you take a COVID test and the day you get the results are not relevant when basing your isolation period on the day your symptoms began.

If you have no symptoms of illness, but test positive for COVID, then the day you took the COVID test is day zero, and you can return on day 6.  Again, the day you receive your results is not relevant to the calculation.

We no longer require students or employees to report all cases of COVID to a COVID Response Administrator.  Instead, COVID should be reported to your supervisor or instructor.

The College adheres to the most current CDC guidelines which can be found at:

If you have questions about COVID, you can contact Tom Gilliam at (850) 484-1500 or by email at

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Communications

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Update #7 from President Ed Meadows: Thursday, March 26, 2020

All PSC campuses, centers, and buildings will remain closed to the general public through May 6, including the theatre, planetarium, pool, art gallery, gymnasium, dental clinic, testing center, fitness centers, and libraries.

All PSC events have been cancelled through May 6, such as the Lumberjack Festival, Lyceum Performances, and Art Exhibitions.

Personnel will continue to work remotely next week, March 30 through April 5, unless contacted by their supervisor to report to campus.

Pensacola State College is transitioning face-to-face classes, including most labs and clinicals, and dual enrollment classes, to an online format beginning Monday, March 30. We continue to face many challenges as we navigate uncharted waters and there is much still to be done to prepare faculty and students for this transition. Nevertheless, I know the PSC family will rise to the occasion to maintain the quality of services and instruction our students deserve. Instructors will contact students no later than Wednesday, April 1, or students may contact their instructors via email.

Registration for summer classes will begin April 15 and fall registration begins June 1 at

If you need to speak with someone on campus, you may contact us by using Live Chat on the website at, email us at, or call us at 850-484-2000, Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Additional details in the form of FAQs are available on the PSC website at

Social distancing is extremely important. Be safe and stay healthy.


Ed Meadows

President, Pensacola State College

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Update #6 from President Ed Meadows: Monday, March 23, 2020

Dear PSC students, faculty and staff,

As you may already know, all Pensacola State College campuses, centers, and buildings will be closed to PSC students through March 29 and the general public through May 6.  Classes, including all online classes, are suspended through Sunday, March 29. In addition, all college and campus events have been cancelled through May 6.

This week, the deans and department heads are working diligently with faculty to transition face-to-face classes, including most labs, and clinicals, to an online format for when classes resume on March 30.  In addition, a plan of completion for clock hour programs will be provided to each relevant class.

If you need to speak with someone on campus this week, you may contact us by using Live Chat on the website at, email us at, or call us at 850-484-2000.  We have staff monitoring phones and messages and we will respond as quickly as possible.  You may also contact your instructor via email or Canvas.

We know that you will continue to have questions as we navigate through this unprecedented crisis. Additional details in the form of FAQs are available on the PSC website at  Please check them often as they will be updated regularly.


Ed Meadows

President, Pensacola State College

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Update #5 from President Ed Meadows: Thursday, March 19, 2020

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

As I stated in my correspondence to you yesterday, I  know that you must have several questions regarding our plans to move forward with your education and employment in the wake of this serious global COVID-19/Coronavirus crisis.  Please know that I, along with your College administration, are taking every precaution to ensure the health and well-being of all PSC students, faculty, staff, and the community, while continuing to provide quality instruction and transparency. 

I am sure that you know by now that the Governor has closed the college campuses to the general public through the spring semester.  For our college, this includes the theatre, pool, gymnasium, art gallery, library, fitness center, testing center, and planetarium. Our situation is fluid and continues to change daily; therefore, on Monday, March 23, only employees directed by their supervisors will report to campus and all other employees will work remotely as assigned.

We are committed to student completion through the spring semester and will be registering individuals for the summer and fall terms.  This communication will be followed as soon as possible by additional information regarding delivery of instruction for students. Our spring commencement ceremony has been postponed until August.  In addition, all student and college events have been postponed through the end of the spring semester. 

As a method of providing you with essential information, we are in the process of creating a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and a resource guide that will be stored on our website at   

All full-time and part-time college employees will continue to receive the same pay that would normally be received in the regular course of business.

We are in unchartered waters in dealing with this type of situation.  Our country has not experienced a pandemic situation like this in recent years.  I ask you for your patience as we navigate through this crisis.  Please make sure that you frequently check your emails, the PSC website, social media, and the local media for further updates from the College.


Ed Meadows
President, Pensacola State College

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Update #4 from President Ed Meadows: Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I know that everyone has questions regarding the rapidly changing situation with secondary, university, and college closings, and new guidelines from the Governor’s and Commission of Education offices. This email is to let you know that we are working to provide you additional information tomorrow.

I will be sending out information regarding such things as postponing commencement and other College and student events. We are in uncharted waters in dealing with this type of situation that affects the health and economic well-being of every individual in our nation. I ask that everyone be patient, stay safe, and healthy. I will continue to send you updates as I know all of you have concerns about the evolving health crises in our nation.


Ed Meadows
President, Pensacola State College

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Update #3 from President Ed Meadows: Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Pensacola State College Administration is committed to the health and well-being of all PSC students, faculty, staff, and the community. We are in constant communication with the Florida Department of Education, the Governor’s office, local health officials, and state agencies regarding the COVID-19 virus.

As you know, the College will be on Spring Break the week of March 16 through March 22. In addition, coinciding with the Governor’s required K-12 closings, all Pensacola State College classes are suspended from March 23 through 29.

During the time that classes are suspended, the College Administration will monitor conditions to determine what further actions are needed after March 29.

All full-time employees will report to work the week of March 23. Kelly Services staff and work-study students will be permitted to return to work the week of March 23, as well. Any employee with special circumstances that will prevent them from returning to work should contact their supervisor as soon as possible.

All College events have been postponed through the end of April, for example, the Lumberjack Festival that was scheduled for March 28.

We are asking that PSC students, faculty, and staff frequently check their email, the PSC website, social media, and the local media for further updates from the College.


Ed Meadows
President, Pensacola State College

Pensacola State College COVID-19 Update #2 from President Ed Meadows: Friday, March 13, 2020

The health and well-being of Pensacola State College students, faculty, staff, and the community are always the most important priority of the PSC administration. PSC is in constant communication with local county health officials as well as state agencies regarding the COVID-19 virus, and we are continually monitoring the situation.

As of today, we will resume operations and classes following the spring break on Monday, March 23, 2020. Should the situation change during the spring break (scheduled for March 16-March 22) by order of the Governor or a decision by the PSC Board of Trustees, we will alert faculty, staff, and students through the PSC Alert system, email, text messages, social media, and the local media. The College administration recognizes that consideration should be given to individuals with special health circumstances and will address these situations on a case-by-case basis.

We are asking any employees, faculty and staff who return from travel to China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea or any other areas affected by COVID-19 to self-isolate and not return to campus for 14 days after their return.

Additionally, the College is not approving college-sponsored out-of-state travel until further notice.

Effective immediately, the NJCAA, which is our national athletic association, has suspended all athletic competition until April 4.

Other college events will be assessed on a case-by-case basis for the next several weeks.

We are asking that PSC students, faculty and staff check their emails and other information sources during spring break to get updates from the College administration that may change the decision to open on Monday, March 23, 2020.


Ed Meadows
President, Pensacola State College


Please check these FAQs regularly as the College will be updating them often.   

Coronavirus Precautions

Everyday good hygiene routines are the best way to avoid exposure to the virus.  Those routines include:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Additional Resources

For Escambia County specific COVID-19 questions, you may contact the Citizen Information Center at 850-471-6600 or via email

The Florida Department of Health has launched a dedicated call center for questions related to COVID-19. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms, please contact the Florida Department of Health using the information below. The COVID-19 Call Center is now available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.